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      12 Days of Coding: Resources for Launching Your Coding Career

      By The Fullstack Academy Team

      12 Days of Coding Resources

      What better way to celebrate the holiday season and kick off the new year than with a new career? In 2024 and beyond, coding will continue to be an in-demand skill, with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicting software development roles will grow 26% by 2032. So, what does a career in coding look like, and how can you learn to code?

      If you tuned into our Fullstack Academy social media channels recently, you’re probably familiar with “12 Days of Coding.” In the first 12 days of December, we shared blog articles, tips, and more to help you learn about coding and potential career opportunities. And if you missed it—worry not! We collected all those valuable resources and shared them below. Continue reading to discover the best ways to learn coding, insights into popular coding careers, and coding certifications you can earn to bolster your resume.

      Best Ways to Learn Coding in 2024

      If you’re looking to learn how to code, there are many pathways you can take, including self-learning, coding bootcamps, and other free online resources. Ultimately, the best way to learn coding will depend on your learning style, career goals, and current skill level. To help you decide the best way to learn coding, here are a few helpful resources:

      How to Improve Your Coding Skills and Land a Job in 2024

      In this blog, you’ll learn about the most popular ways to learn coding, including information on coding communities, online resources, and coding bootcamps. Plus, we explore tips to help you improve your programming skills and land your first role.

      8 Best Ways to Learn JavaScript in 2024 - For Beginners

      According to Stack Overflow’s 2023 Developer Survey, JavaScript is the most popular programming language among developers. Read this article to learn why you should learn JavaScript, potential careers for JavaScript developers, and the best ways to learn the popular programming language in 2024.

      Best Ways to Learn Programming in 2024

      If you’re looking to expand your programming skills beyond JavaScript, then this resource is for you. You’ll discover programming concepts and online resources to help you sharpen your skills.

      Coding Bootcamp Vs. Self-Learning: What's the Best Path for 2024

      Two popular ways to learn coding include attending a coding bootcamp and self-learning. So, which one is right for you? In this article, you’ll explore the pros and cons of each learning path to help you decide which one will help you achieve your career goals.

      Coding Career Outlook in 2024

      From software engineers to full-stack developers, there are a variety of coding careers to choose from. Here are several resources to help you explore career opportunities in coding and help you decide which career path is right for you.

      How to Make Money Coding

      Once you’ve developed coding skills, what can you do with them? Read this article to learn more about the different types of coding and how you can leverage your skills to make money.

      Eight Coding Careers You Should Consider

      With so many coding roles available, you may wonder which career path to choose. In this article, we examine eight popular coding careers, including salaries, responsibilities, and job outlooks.

      How to Become a Software Developer in 2024

      Software development is one of the most popular careers for coders. This resource explores the path to becoming a software developer in 2024 and provides tips for landing your first role.

      Full-Stack Development Salaries in 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

      Full-Stack Developers are highly sought after due to their versatile skill sets. This guide covers everything you need to know about a career in full-stack development, including average salaries, required skills, and negotiation tips.

      Must-Have Coding Skills and Certifications for 2024

      While learning how to code is one aspect of becoming a coder, there are particular methodologies, techniques, and certifications that can help you stand out to employers. Here’s a list of resources to help you gain insight into the must-have coding skills and certifications to thrive as a professional coder.

      6 Tech Certifications to Add to Your Resume in 2024

      Earning coding and/or tech certifications can be a great way to stand out to potential employers—especially if you’re new to the field. Read this article to learn more about the most in-demand tech certifications that can help enhance your resume.

      A Guide to Test-Driven Development

      As an aspiring coder, one of the most popular methodologies you can learn is test-driven development (TDD). Read this guide to learn what TDD is and how it can help you become a better coder.

      Launch Your Coding Career at Fullstack Academy

      Will 2024 be the year you take the leap into coding? Fullstack Academy’s Software Engineering Immersive provides comprehensive instruction and in-depth projects to help you thrive as a coder. Designed for aspiring coders of all skill levels, the online coding bootcamp is offered in both full-time and part-time formats to provide the flexibility to fit professional development into your busy schedule. Plus, you’ll benefit from Fullstack Academy’s Career Success Services, where you’ll learn how to optimize your resume, build valuable connections, negotiate your salary, and more!

      Ready to launch your coding career? Complete our no-cost application to take the first step towards a lucrative career.