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    Blog: Learn to Code

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    Learn to Code

    5 Best Coding Bootcamps in 2024

    With so many coding bootcamp options available, identifying the best one can be overwhelming. In this guide, we'll unveil the top coding bootcamps in 2024, helping you find the perfect program to launch your coding journey.
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    Two people working on code
    Job & Career Advice

    Pair Programming: Your Guide to Collaborative Coding Success

    In this guide, we'll dive deep into how pair programming works, uncovering how it can boost code quality, fuel your learning curve, and unlock the power of teamwork.
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    FSA 12 Days of Coding Day 11 Landscape
    Learn to Code

    6 Tech Certifications to Add to Your Resume in 2024

    If you’re looking to expand your resume and demonstrate your skills, learn about tech certifications to pursue in 2024 and ways to prepare for the exams.
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    Woman working on dual monitors coding
    Job & Career Advice

    How to Become a Software Developer in 2024

    If you’re looking to become a software developer in 2024, you can encounter a wealth of opportunities. As you set foot on this career path, you need to understand the essential software development skills and nuances of a role in coding.
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    Javascript coding project with woman looking
    Learn to Code

    8 Best Ways to Learn JavaScript in 2024 - For Beginners

    In the rapidly advancing landscape of web development, mastering JavaScript has never been more vital than in 2024. As the digital world evolves, Javascript continues to stand as the backbone of web development.
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    Woman working on code in office
    How Bootcamp Works

    A Guide to Test-Driven Development

    While many organizations have struggled to find the right balance between quality and speed, test-driven development (TDD) has emerged as a methodology that may be able to accomplish both. Read on to gain a deeper understanding of TDD and how it benefits software development.
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